Descarca Kiss FM Fresh Top 40 - 26 Martie 2022 (Album Original) GRATIS !
Descarca : Kiss FM Fresh Top 40 - 26 Martie 2022 (Album Original) mp3
Categorie: albume
Data: 2022-03-27 02:41:32
Hits: 1331
Etichete fisier: KISS FM, FRESH TOP 40, 26 MARTIE, 2022, [ALBUM ORIGINAL],
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Kiss FM Fresh Top 40 - 26 Martie 2022 (Album Original)
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Kiss FM Fresh Top 40 - 26 Martie 2022 (Album Original)
01. Andia - Sfarsitul Lumii @ bY Profu (3:17) 02. Carlas Dreams - Victima @ bY Profu (4:12) 03. Ioana Ignat feat. Edward Sanda - Daca Tu Nu Ai Fi @ bY Profu (2:58) 04. Inna feat. Sean Paul - Up @ bY Profu (2:29) 05. Farruko - Pepas @ bY Profu (4:47) 06. Jaymes Young - Infinity @ bY Profu (3:57) 07. Randi feat. Roxen - Dincolo De Marte @ bY Profu (3:01) 08. Gayle - Abcdefu @ bY Profu (2:47) 09. Ed Sheeran - Shivers @ bY Profu (3:57) 10. Feli - Adu-Ti Aminte @ bY Profu (3:27) 11. Acraze - Do It To It (Ft. Cherish) @ bY Profu (3:23) 12. Emmy Meli - I Am Woman @ bY Profu (3:54) 13. FlorianRus si Jo - Daca m-ai iubit candva @ bY Profu (3:16) 14. Glass Animals - Heat Waves @ bY Profu (3:54) 15. Juno si Raluka - Doua Inimi @ bY Profu (3:27) 16. Tiesto & Ava Max - The Motto @ bY Profu (3:31) 17. Irina Rimes feat. Grasu XXL - Pentru Totdeauna @ bY Profu (2:48) 18. Becky Hill & Topic - My Heart Goes (La Di Da) @ bY Profu (2:28) 19. Ami - Fluturi @ bY Profu (3:07) 20. Lil Nas Feat. Jack Harlow - Industry Baby @ bY Profu (3:55) 21. Cabron Si Theo Rose - Fructul Interzis @ bY Profu (3:34) 22. Qodes - Una Favela @ bY Profu (4:04) 23. Smiley - Purtat De Vant @ bY Profu (2:45) 24. 3 Sud Est - De-ar Vorbi Inima @ bY Profu (3:24) 25. Sorana & David Guetta - Redrum @ bY Profu (2:52) 26. Andra - Pas Cu Pas @ bY Profu (3:35) 27. Sofi Tukker feat. Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me @ bY Profu (3:45) 28. Irina Rimes - Ba Ba Ba (Inima Mea Bate) @ bY Profu (3:30) [New Entry] 29. Alina Eremia - Cerul Rosu @ bY Profu (3:13) 30. Mario Fresh si Connect-R - Umbre @ bY Profu (3:25) 31. Pascal Letoublon & Leony - Friendships (Lost My Love) @ bY Profu (3:02) 32. DJ Project feat. Emaa - La Timpul Lor @ bY Profu (3:27) 33. Goya Menor & Nektunez - Ameno Amapiano @ bY Profu (3:46) 34. Olivia Addams - Scrisori In Minor @ bY Profu (3:59) 35. Shouse - Wont Forget You @ bY Profu (6:38) [New Entry] 36. Marius Moga - O Dorinta @ bY Profu (3:45) 37. Alina Eremia - 20 29 @ bY Profu (3:47) [New Entry] 38. Manuel Riva si Iraida - Modern Love @ bY Profu (3:10) 39. Adda - Sa nu-mi iei trandafiri @ bY Profu (3:24) 40. Holy Molly Feat. Tata Vlad - Ploua @ bY Profu (2:55) HIT 2 BE Minelli - Mmm @ bY Profu (3:13)
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